My projects

Over the years I’ve developed several open source projects.

The majority are written in Python, and they’re typically terminal-based developer tools.


Posting is a powerful TUI for working with HTTP APIs. It’s a bit like Postman, except it runs in the terminal and is designed around keyboard-centric workflows.

A screenshot of Posting

It’s a feature-rich tool that tries to work for both terminal power-users and newcomers who are more accustomed to modern web UIs.

Written in Python using Textual, a TUI framework I help develop and maintain.


Elia is a TUI for interacting with large language models. It can interact with proprietary models such as Claude, ChatGPT, as well as local models like Llama.

A screenshot of Elia

Elia has a simple but powerful interface. It uses a SQLite backend to store your conversations locally, keeping your data private.


Dunk makes your diffs beautiful and easy to read. Just pipe your git diff output into Dunk and it’ll generate a colourful diff like this:

A screenshot of Dunk

Dunk makes your diffs easy to read. I alias this as `gdd`, which runs `git diff | dunk | less -R`, resulting in a beautiful paged diff.

Textual’s TextArea widget

I developed Textual’s TextArea widget, which is a multi-line input widget that supports tree-sitter syntax highlighting, wrapping, undo/redo, full mouse support, and much more.

A screenshot of Textual's TextArea widget

The TextArea widget in action - running completely inside the terminal.

I wrote a blog post about it here, which includes a whole lot of videos of it in action, and covers some of my learnings from that project.

Ward (archived)

Ward was a test framework I developed for Python. It had a strong focus on readability. Test descriptions were written in plain language rather than function names, and it output very readable diffs when tests failed.

A screenshot of Ward


I developed textual-autocomplete, which let’s you add autocompletion to your Textual-based TUI apps.

I’m currently (slowly) working on the next version which will be used in Posting.

A screenshot of


Trogon was built to solve the problem of learning and discovering features of CLIs. In just a few lines of code it lets you create a fully interactive TUI which can be used in place of a CLI. Here’s an example of Trogon converting the feature-rich sqlite-utils CLI into a TUI:

A screenshot of Trogon

Trogon gives you a sidebar menu containing all of the commands in your CLI. Clicking on an item shows you a form with all of the arguments and options for the selected command.


I developed (but never released) an iOS and Android app using Flutter and the Dart programming language.

A screenshot of Radiant

Screenshot of Radiant